pcs cluster start –all で片方のホストしか起動しない

# pcs cluster start –all
smb4: Starting Cluster…
smb3: Unable to connect to smb3, check if pcsd is running ……..
でも pcsd は起動している。この原因は結局分からなかった。なので再度サブホストのコピーからやり直し。
pacemaker-schedulerd[5382] (pcmk__log_transition_summary) notice: Configuration errors found during scheduler processing, please run “crm_verify -L” to identify issues
pacemaker-controld[5383]: notice: State transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE
pacemaker-schedulerd[5382]: error: Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined
pacemaker-schedulerd[5382]: error: Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option
pacemaker-schedulerd[5382]: error: NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity
pacemaker-schedulerd[5382]: notice: No fencing will be done until there are resources to manage
pacemaker-schedulerd[5382]: notice: Calculated transition 1, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-97.bz2
pacemaker-schedulerd[5382]: notice: Configuration errors found during scheduler processing, please run “crm_verify -L” to identify issues
pacemaker-controld[5383]: notice: Transition 1 (Complete=0, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=0, Incomplete=0, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-97.bz2): Complete
pacemaker-controld[5383]: notice: State transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> S_IDLE
pacemakerd[5377]: notice: Caught ‘Terminated’ signal

# pcs cluster –force stop
# pcs cluster destroy
# systemctl stop pcsd
# systemctl disable pcsd
# systemctl stop pcsd
# systemctl disable pcsd

その際、vda1のUUID, 固定のIPアドレス、hostnameがダブっているので、https://www.kinryo.net/?p=2529を参考に変更してください。ただしUUIDの変更は出来なかったので、変更していない。次に念の為コピーしたサブホスト側でも(オリジナルのホストで消去しているのでやらなくてもいいと思うが)。ただしこの方法は/etc/fstabの設定が両ホストで同じでなければならない。違う時はvdaになる物意外外して置く事。
# pcs cluster –force stop
# pcs cluster destroy
# systemctl enable –now pcsd
# passwd hacluster

# pcs host auth smb3 smb4
ユーザーを聞かれるので hacluster パスワードは設定した物。
# pcs cluster setup mycluster smb3 smb4
No addresses specified for host ‘smb3’, using ‘smb3’
No addresses specified for host ‘smb4’, using ‘smb4’
Destroying cluster on hosts: ‘smb3’, ‘smb4’…
smb3: Successfully destroyed cluster
smb4: Successfully destroyed cluster
Requesting remove ‘pcsd settings’ from ‘smb3’, ‘smb4’
smb3: successful removal of the file ‘pcsd settings’
smb4: successful removal of the file ‘pcsd settings’
Sending ‘corosync authkey’, ‘pacemaker authkey’ to ‘smb3’, ‘smb4’
smb3: successful distribution of the file ‘corosync authkey’
smb3: successful distribution of the file ‘pacemaker authkey’
smb4: successful distribution of the file ‘corosync authkey’
smb4: successful distribution of the file ‘pacemaker authkey’
Sending ‘corosync.conf’ to ‘smb3’, ‘smb4’
smb3: successful distribution of the file ‘corosync.conf’
smb4: successful distribution of the file ‘corosync.conf’
Cluster has been successfully set up.
# pcs cluster start –all
smb3: Starting Cluster…
smb4: Starting Cluster…
# pcs cluster enable –all
smb3: Cluster Enabled
smb4: Cluster Enabled
# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster

No stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false

Status of pacemakerd: ‘Pacemaker is running’ (last updated 2023-10-23 19:53:50 +09:00)
Cluster Summary:
 * Stack: corosync
 * Current DC: smb4 (version 2.1.5-9.el9_2.3.alma.1-a3f44794f94) – partition with quorum
 * Last updated: Mon Oct 23 19:53:50 2023
 * Last change: Mon Oct 23 19:38:00 2023 by hacluster via crmd on smb4
 * 2 nodes configured
 * 0 resource instances configured

Node List:
 * Online: [ smb3 smb4 ]

Full List of Resources:
 * No resources

Daemon Status:
 corosync: active/enabled
 pacemaker: active/enabled
 pcsd: active/enabled

フジマル について

カテゴリー: DRBDに挑戦(almalinux9) パーマリンク


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


このサイトはスパムを低減するために Akismet を使っています。コメントデータの処理方法の詳細はこちらをご覧ください